Saturday, October 27, 2007

Mission Statement

After the collapse of the USSR in 1991 the prospects for the progress and modernising of several Central Asian cultures and other societies under the rotten oppression of Islam vanished. The post-1991 "new world" was America's exclusive domain and playground, and although America is at the head of the world's developed modern cultures and civilisations, its influence on world affairs is pernicious and baleful because it is imperialist in intent and thus its basic interests and motivations are geared towards greed - a policy that will not only nullify all its great technological and cultural achievements, but will also bring the whole world to grief. An early example is how America supported the backward and vicious Islamic Jihad against modernist social progress in Afghanistan and the Soviet Union in the 1980-90s period, and the net results were Al-Qaeda and 9/11. Capitalism is a philosophy of greed and causes debauchery. Because of its interests, America supports shockingly corrupt systems that thrive on social and cultural backwardness in places like Pakistan and Afghanistan. The corruption in Pakistan and its society can find its parallels in Biblical lore. It is the idea of the FSO to reinvigorate the concept of revolution/drastic social change and engineering by a vanguard, single party transitory state in order to improve social, cultural, political and economic conditions in certain areas that need such leaps of progress. This is akin to the Marxist revolutions of the 20th century, and our ideas may resemble many aspects of Marxism, yet they are not doctrinaire Marxist. We also agree with the current trend of "National Bolshevism" in Russia, and it Eurasian outlook. We look to Russia as the future of the world, as it embodies modern European civilisation, which we regard as mankind's future - but in a traditional and preserved condition as compared to the West; Russia also incorporates the Asian element naturally and "seamlessly" into its body-politic, which no "Western" nations have yet been able to achieve, despite their extensive immigration policies; and we consider postmodern, liberal consumerist and "democratic" Western culture to be too easygoing, morally debauched, and too greedy and individualist to have the character needed for the goal of shouldering the massive global responsibility that befalls them to spread and implement European (or modern Eurasian) civilisation throughout the globe in dangerous and backward Eastern societies - especially those of Islam. Liberals, the "politically correct" and "democrats" may not agree with our plans and concepts, but who are they to say so when failure stares them like a wolf in the face? The world is now nearing a critical flashpoint that could destroy everything because of Western folly, and a New Russian based Superstate must arise in Eurasia to tackle this and steer the world into a truly new order paradigm of actual benefit to all. We intend to do that, as the old harmful capitalist post World War II neocolonial Western order led by the Anglo-Americans with its proxy Third World elites now starts to crash helplessly.