Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The end of the West and its imperfect modrrnism has now begun

The West's time has finally run out. It has reached its Point-of-No-Return. It has dumped its historic chance and fated role. Its populations were kept sedated on the fantasy ideals of democratic liberalism and hyper-consumerist "living standards", while its elites thought that they could keep on upholding this dreamworld state of affairs by collaring the rest of the world's natural resources for their own exclusive gluttonous use - and that their subordinate westernised sidekick elites in the backward "Third World" parts of the globe would help insulate this prosperous and sedated dreamworld from the highly unpleasant realities of the dangerous dysfunctionality and jealous aggression of their backward Islamic cousins, whom the West had a DUTY to reform - by force and terror, if need be. This "unpleasant" duty of regenerating the backward ones was the primary global responsibility of "Western" civilisation. (Ironically, their Victorian predecessors were more conversant with it, in their concept of "the white man's burden", but they didn't have the capabilities of carrying it out that we now do). But the chance for that is gone....instead, the dastadly neocolonial edifice they fashioned after WW2 to defend their unfair interests in these areas is now imploding under its own failure all over the globe, principally in Pakistan and the Gulf Arab states which is where the key dogs and lackeys of Anglo-US imperialism are placed. And the main modern energy resource of Petroleum is diminishing after 60 years' of misuse, the planet and its climate have been poisoned, the overblown capitalist financial systems and their credit based economies are also starting to give way.....and the backward and defunct Islamic civilisations have now been dangerously corrupted beyond any hope of regeneration and must be destroyed wholly in order to guarantee the future of mankind. As it falls, the West will now be made to come face to face with the consequences of its criminal default on its historical responsibility, and will also be made to face the punishment for doing this. Them and their outlandish ideals of "freedom" will soon be trampled underfoot and consumed by the fire of a war far greater than any in history. Just like a condemned Chinese criminal being executed, they will be brought to their knees before the soldier-executioner fires the shot to the back of their head.