Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Intro: Briefly, this region is a Poker board, and we (Paki) people are the "cards", in the hands of some very strong and serious players. Because of our geographical location, our area will always be volatile. There are too many factors that are affecting and stopping this area from settling down.
1) India and China, the two biggest consumer markets of the world are present here. They are rivals, and about to become the two biggest economies as well. But both have some very serious internal problems. (They are ostensibly have the biggest economic potential, but that is in doubt as their very survival depends upon regular external access to massive energy supplies. Geopolitically speaking they are "non-aligned", i.e unpredictable and indeterminate "opportunistic" quantities. But they are highly unstable due to their above dependency, and thus with their massive populations, any "explosion" of them would send far reaching effects).
2) Iran is here, sitting on the door step of the Persian Gulf, is thinking of playing a decisive role in the affairs of the region in the time to come . While neighboring Iraq is now thanks to America, a powder keg. (Iran is a regional issue - however as such, it is a potential future junior strategic partner for Russia, and a sharp local irritant for the USA in this key region).
3) Russia is in this area, and is presently the 9th biggest economy and 4th largest military power, and a very serious player in providing the world with crucial energy supplies. (Russia is the next overall superpower in waiting - awaiting resurrection in future conditions as an even better power than the USSR was. As such, it is the USA's main global rival).
4) In between all this are we: Pakistan - a nuclear (wannabe) Power, with so many internal and external problems (!) and enemies. As they say: If you can't handle (i.e face) a mess (a situation which you on your own are not brave enough to handle) alone, so enlarge the canvas and involve others in your problem. (I wouldn't quite agree; you are by nature cowards and little lickspittle toadies. You haven't "involved" the Anglo-Americans for that; instead it is quite the opposite: you've shamelessly agreed to lick their shit in exchange for protection, sustenance and rich pickings from them, by serving them as dirty little undelings in their Great Game of World Domination. But alas, that has not turned out to be the cosy arrangement that it was originally intended by both you parties to be - there have been severe "unintended consequences". However, given the nature of what you were doing and your alliance - there had to be).
Summary: So we must keep in mind the above mentioned situations on the one hand, versus the presence of Americans in the Middle East and here on the other. The Americans have maintained military bases for the last 60 years in Japan, Korea, Philippines - and now here - to ensure their upper hand in the post WW2 world; (America's justification to dominate the world - when it became capable of this role after 1945 - was at first seemingly ideological: to ensure "free enterprise". But after 1991 when it won the Cold War, this prestense was dropped, and the truth came to the fore: it controls the world in order to ensure the availability and continuity of resources needed to sustain its free-wheeling "American Way of Life"....) Their rivals don't want them to retain this global control so easily. All the major players [Russia, China] are going to make sure that they bleed American resources to extinction: the only way they can do that is by keeping [anti-US] unrest in the region alive. It is always easy to keep resistance movements like the Taliban (which originally you yourselves created) smouldering (to keep the heat on America) by supplying them with small amounts of weapons, food, money - while on the other hand finishing such movements is always an expensive affair. (And thus it pays for you to be the servants of the Anglo-Americans, to enable them to fend off their rivals and keep their global stranglehold; too bad, you have chosen the defeated side to serve, and place your bets on. And don't think they will continue relying on you much longer; you might soon not be there - even now, you have become more of a headache for them, no longer a help. That is indeed the situation since 2001 - it also being the logical outcome of such a foul caper).